Welcome to Simple Prepping!
Hi, this is Robert. I'd like to welcome you to my new blog dealing with the realities and complexities of prepping for....well, insert your preference, be it natural disaster, or man made. I have spent the last few years considering the many different opinions and suggestions about prepping and have come to one conclusion: Few, if any, people in the prepping community consider the 'average guy'. By that I mean people like myself that are not 'avid survivalists', former military, or hunters. Instead, I would like to focus on Joe/Jane Blow, the average guy/gal that works and perhaps lives in an urban area. Has no great skills in the area of prepping for disaster or survival. Just a regular person that recognizes that stuff sometimes happens and it's a good thing to be prepared to take care of him/her self and loved ones should a disaster befall the area that he or she lives in.
It is my intent to discuss and demo different gear, and scenarios that could happen, and how to best be ready for short and long term living under such circumstances.
So, together, we can be more ready to take on whatever may come.
Stay tuned for more info coming soon!